Simple AI

1.       Duplicate your third person Character

Name it Chad, delete camera,  move it to the AI Folder and change the color of AI.
2.       Delete everthing  in the Event graph
3.       Drag Chad the Ai in the world.
4.       Open Level Blue Print.
add a reference him by selecting him.
5.       Right click in the level print and type Simple Move to Location.
6.       The Get the Controller.
Connect them.

7.       Then in the Mode type and place it in the world

Make two of them
8.       Make reference in the Level BluePrint. First select them and right click and make ref
9.       The right click and type get Actor  Location.

10.   Then Connect Target point to the target and conncet Return Value tot the Goal of the Simple Move to Location.
11.   When I press F he will move that target point. If you want you can add the Second Target Point when pressing O.
12.   Then we add a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume. Drag it in and size it in the level.

13.   Play It and press P.
To Chase the Player.

1. Delete all in Blue Print but keep the Chad the AI.
2. Right click in the Level BP and type get controller.
3. The Right click and type simple Move to Actor.

4. Type get player character.
5. Press F he move to use.

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